New Online Print Store Launched

I decided it was time to refresh my online print store. My old one was ok, however people reported it difficult to navigate when it came the shopping cart. This new store is more straight forward, with free shipping throughout! Check out the new store here! The store so far includes images from the WonderfulContinue reading “New Online Print Store Launched”

McWay falls and online store update

I’m really proud of this shot of McWay falls, Big Sur, California. Yes, it is one of the most photographed locations in the world I expect, but I really like this photo because it took no editing on the computer afterwards and I got it right “in camera”! I used a 10 stop neutral densityContinue reading “McWay falls and online store update”

Mesquite Sand Dunes, Death Valley, California

Recently I went to California, and while I did get thousands of photos, I will share the best bit by bit, and not necessarily in the order they were taken! This selection if from the Death Valley! A lovely set of sand dunes captured at sunrise. I chose black and white rather than colour forContinue reading “Mesquite Sand Dunes, Death Valley, California”